Create Dimensions Object Type Definitions

Object Type Definitions define types of files that a project contains. In our example we only are using the source type: SRC (file types XML, XSL, CSS, GIF). However in a production environment you would usually also include object files OBJ (file types FRM, SVC, RPT, APS, DOL, URR).

This needs to be associated with individual types of files, and a directory on the server to store them.

NOTE: If using a PVCS Dimensions server on Windows-NT, you must perform this step on the server.

Select the Object Type Definitions option then press next.

Select the SRC Type name and press the Library... button.

Select the Delta option, and specify a directory into which PVCS Dimensions will store the files on the server (e.g.: c:\src).

Press OK when complete.

Press OK to dismiss the dialog box when complete.

If you wish to you can also define a library for all other types by pressing the Library... button again, followed by the Default Library button, and setting another directory for non-src PVCS Dimensions files.

Taking control

Create a Dimensions product
Define File Formats and MIME types
Define Object Type Definitions
Create a workset
Configure MULTIUSE
Upload the sources
Create baseline

How to use the driver with PVCS Dimensions (cont.)

Configuration information
Taking control in PVCS Dimensions
Releasing a form using PVCS Dimensions
Checking a form in using PVCS Dimensions
Adding a form using PVCS Dimensions
Finding the differences in versions using PVCS Dimensions
Problems when using PVCS Dimensions

UD6 Overview
A methodology to Uniface source code control
Using UD6/CMtool and Uniface with PVCS Dimensions.

$Revision: $ $Date: 2003/09/16 17:51:58 $[zum Seitenanfang]