uvcs2cvs.exe [-v] [-h] wildcard

Converts the UVCS source files into Uniface Repository files and fires the appropriate CVS or other version control system commands.

Environment Variables

set CVS1=cvs add %s
set CVS2=cvs commit -F %s %s
set CVSDIR=..\

CVS1 and CVS2 can point to any command line which invokes a version control add and commit operation. The parameter to the add operation is the filename of the source file being added (new). The parameters to the commit operation are: a filename with a message for the checkin, and the name of the directory / file being committed.

uvcs2cvs recognises the following options:

Option Meaning
-v Verbose mode, prints the command line
-h Remove the tags: wvpos, whpos, wvsiz, whsiz from the UVCS source code.


cd sources\uvcs
uvcs2cvs -h *

For more information about the converting from UVCS to CVS see:

UVCS Migration Guide to migrating from UVCS to CVS.

$Revision: $ $Date: 2003/09/16 17:52:10 $[zum Seitenanfang]