Ofields File

The UD6/CMTOOL driver can interpret the TRX formatting information as field names in the overflow data for a table. The overflow-fields configuration file (ofields) controls this behavior.

UD6 can use this information to place XML comments in your Uniface triggers to identify where one trigger starts and the other one ends. Please also refer to the triggertag setting for USYS$UD6_PARAMS in the ASN file.

You do not need to modify the settings in this for a ‘normal’ installation.

Here is an example:

¶UFORM.TPLACTUAL¶} @¶^31^211¶Local Symbol Table+
¶UFORM.CONSTRAINTS¶} A¶^31^212¶Constraints+
¶UFORM.INIT¶} B¶^31^193¶EXEC+
¶UFORM.CLEAR¶} C¶^31^194¶CLR+
¶UFORM.STORE¶} F¶^31^197¶STOR+
¶UFORM.DELET¶} G¶^31^198¶ERAS+
¶UFORM.QUIT¶} I¶^31^200¶QUIT+
¶UFORM.MENU¶} J¶^31^201¶MNUS+
¶UFORM.ASYNC¶} N¶^31^205¶ASYS+
¶UFORM.FORMPIC¶} P¶^31^224¶Paint Tableau+
¶UFORM.HEADER¶} Q¶^31^227¶Header+
¶UFORM.LISTING¶} R¶^31^229¶Comments+
¶UFORM.PERF¶} S¶^31^225¶Perform References+
¶UFORM.PROTO¶} T¶^31^226¶Prototype+
¶UFORM.TITLE¶} U¶^31^231¶Title+
¶UFORM.WINPROP¶} V¶^31^210¶Window Properties+
¶UFORM.FRLF¶} W¶^31^228¶FRLF+
¶UFORM.FRGF¶} X¶^31^230¶FRGF+
¶UFORM.HTMLPROP¶} Z¶^31^221¶HTML properties+
¶UFORM.USCONTAINED¶} [¶^31^207¶Self Contained+
¶UFORM.UEXECDEF¶} \¶^31^208¶Communication Default+
¶UFORM.UPOPUP¶} ]¶^31^213¶Pop-up Menu+
¶UFORM.UML_DATA¶} ^¶^31^214¶UML Data+
¶UFORM.HTML_CMPPROP¶} _¶^31^209¶HTML Component Properties+
¶UFORM.HTML_FORMAT¶}! ¶^31^215¶HTML Layout Formatting+
¶UFORM.HTML_STYLES¶}!!¶^31^216¶HTML Style Sheets+
¶UFORM.HTML_HOOK_H¶}!"¶^31^217¶HTML Header Hook+
¶UFORM.HTML_HOOK_B¶}!#¶^31^218¶HTML Body Start Hook+
¶UFORM.HTML_HOOK_E¶}!$¶^31^219¶HTML Body End Hook+
¶UFORM.HTML_BODYHOOK¶}!%¶^31^222¶HTML Body Inside Hook+
¶UFORM.HTML_CMPCLASS¶}!&¶^31^223¶HTML Style Class+
¶UFORM.GETSTATE¶}!'¶^31^232¶Get State+
¶UFORM.SETSTATE¶}!(¶^31^233¶Set State+
¶UFORM.CMP_EXT¶}!*¶^31^235¶Component Extension+

Each line specifies the following separated by a single colon ":":
* An overflow table name and field name
* The prefix TRX code for the field
* The prefix RAW code for the field (used with mmf binary, NLS options)
* The XML tag name

$Revision: $ $Date: 2003/09/16 17:52:06 $[zum Seitenanfang]