Modifying the XML files directly
You can edit the XML files with any text editor, or a specific XML editor.
The file begins with a standard XML header, and all of the Uniface data is held between two markers:
Do not add any lines after this last tag.
Lines added between tags, but within the <uniface_schema> will be preserved.
<!-— this is a safe comment -->
Lines added between tags, within tags will not be preserved, e.g.:
<!-— comment that will dissapear when the form is edited in IDF -->
Entity tags should always end in a new line, or else certain performance optimisations in the driver are unavailable:
Further Information
How the driver works
How the driver works with Source Code Control
Format of the files
Differences between UD6/CMtool and UD7/XML-DATA and W3C XML-DATA format
Division of the entities
UD6 Overview
How to use the driver with a configuration management solution
$Revision: $ $Date: 2003/09/16 17:52:04 $ | [zum Seitenanfang] |