5.a Perform these actions from within the IDF environment that currently has source code.
Use the Utilities/Export function from the pulldown menu to export ALL (use "select all" button) the source code to a TRX file (give it the extension .trx, eg: mybackup.trx).
When you have completed the export close that session of the IDF.
5.b Perform these actions from within the IDF that you created in step 4.
Use the Utilities/Import function from the pulldown menu to import the source code from the TRX file that you just created. Alternatively you can use the command line:
/cpy trx:mybackup.trx idf:
NOTE: If you are upgrading versions of Uniface at the same time as setting up UD6, and you previously loaded the Uniface Meta-Dictionary, you will need to delete it and install the Meta-Dictionary that was supplied with you newer version of Uniface. To do this perform the following steps:
cd sources\tables
del dict-*.xml
del ucvs-*.xml
del sysenv-*.xml
del printer-*.xml
cd ..\sub-types
del *-dict-*.xml
del *-ucvs-*.xml
del *-sysenv-*.xml
del *-printer-*.xml
Now start the IDF with the following command line options:
/ins meta
For detailed instructions on using UD6/Cmtool Driver with various Configuration Management or Version Control Tools, please see the article:
How to use the driver with a configuration management solution
You have now installed the March Hare UD6/CMTOOL driver for Uniface.
For all support and enquiry's please contact us at: support@march-hare.com
March Hare Pty Ltd
P.O. Box 265
Church Point, NSW, 2105
$Revision: $ $Date: 2003/09/16 17:51:54 $ | [zum Seitenanfang] |