fixud6.exe name-and-path-of-xml-file 

This command is used to repair a damaged XML file generated by the UD6 driver.

Whilst corruption to the XML files is rare, this utility can be used to fix the most common problems.

If you do experience corruption in an XML file, please report the details as exhaustively as possible to Please include the damaged XML file (before repair), the previous version of the file, and as many details the programmer can remember about the steps taken for the few minutes prior to the corruption occurring.

The UD6 driver is designed to crash the IDF as soon as any corruption is detected in the XML file(s). It is designed this way to minimise subsequent damage.


fixud6 g:\src\uform\A001.XML 2 
$Revision: $ $Date: 2003/09/16 17:52:05 $[zum Seitenanfang]