4.Initialise the UD6/CMTOOL repository.

For this exercise you may wish to create an additional assignment file, and an IDF shortcut which uses it (use the /asn parameter). If you are unsure of how to do this, please contact your Uniface administrator.


In your assignment file there is a [PATHS] section (if you are using Uniface Six, the [PATHS] section heading may not exist, but similar lines will). Once you have located this section, you should find several lines that determine which types of database Uniface searches for Data, Compiled objects, Source code, and System objects (like printer definitions). These are probably all directed to $DEF, but may not be.

Alter the line that defines where $IDF path goes, to:


Your assignment file should now look similar to this:

$IDF  $UD6


In your assignment file there is an [ENTITIES] section (if you are using Uniface Six, the [ENTITIES] section heading may not exist, but similar lines will). Once you have located this section, you should find several lines that either rename tables, or direct tables to a certain PATH.

The FINAL line in the [ENTITIES] section should be a ‘catch-all’ to direct any repository tables not defined in the joins file to be directed to a central directory. You may also wish to direct the tables USTMP, UGCROSS etc to some database other than UD6 since they are not really source code, eg::

; Don’t store temporary data in XML
; Improve performance by leaving these entities out

; Final catch-all for IDF dictionary
*.dict              $idf:.\sources\other.dir\*.*

In an NLS environment, UD6 cannot be used to store the source code for UGLYPH or UCSDIA (which is a redundant entity in Uniface Seven). Since GLYPHS usually remain fairly stable in the life cycle of a software development, March Hare recommend storing these using the DB3 driver, which will generate 2 files plus indexes for the entire table. These files can then be controlled using your CM or VM tool. Example for an NLS environment:

; Don’t store temporary data in XML
; Improve performance by leaving these entities out

; Don’t store UGLYPH in NLS UD6
; Redundant entity

; Final catch-all for IDF dictionary
*.dict              $idf:.\sources\other.dir\*.*

Once you have completed these steps, you should be able to initialise the repository.

To do this, simply start the IDF.

The March Hare Tools banner should display briefly.

If using Uniface 8 you may be presented with this message:

1884 - The mandatory defaults could not be found in your repository.  You need 
to load the set of UNIFACE defaults first.

If this message appears press LOAD. If the message appears again, press EXIT, and then restart Uniface 8.

You should now be presented with a ‘normal’ IDF screen.

Steps to installing UD6

Step 5 Load in source code.
$Revision: $ $Date: 2003/09/16 17:55:30 $[go to top]